Comprehensive Skin Checks and Melanoma Care at Coastal Valley Dermatology
It’s important to take time to look at the moles on your skin because this is a good way to find melanoma early. A mole is a benign growth of the skin that is raised and normally round and brown because it is made up of a collection of pigmented cells. The medical terminology for a mole is nevus.
When checking your skin, you should look for the ABCDEs of melanoma.

Watch out for the ABCDEs of Skin Cancer
A - Asymmetry: the two halves do not match
B - Border: Uneven borders and edges
C - Color: Shades of brown, tan or black
D - Diameter: Usually larger in diameter than the size of the eraser on the pencil
E - Evolving: Change in size, shape, color, elevation with itching, bleeding, crusting

Signs of Melanoma
The most common early signs (what you see) of melanoma are:
- Growing mole on your skin.
- Unusual looking mole on your skin or a mole that does not look like any other mole on your skin (the ugly duckling).
- Non-uniform mole (has an odd shape, uneven or uncertain border, different colors).
If you see a mole or new spot on your skin that has any of the ABCDEs, make sure to schedule an appointment at 831-293-8458 to see Dr. Roya Javid, your dermatologist in Monterey and Carmel.
Coastal Valley Dermatology is committed to providing state-of-the-art medical and non-surgical rejuvenation treatments that allow our patients to feel youthful and confident. Schedule your consultation in person or via Telehealth video visit with Dr. Roya Javid at 831-293-8458.